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Szeroka oferta Qualis spawanie obróbka cnc i projektowanie



Project objectives

At the very beginning we will determine whether we are able to prepare / resolve a given project / problem, we will also determine its requirements or we will propose a solution.

Ustalanie Celów projektów

Stage of talks

At this stage we will conduct a thorough interview regarding all details that will help us achieve previously determined objective and which will allow us to plan subsequent steps. Together we will discuss every detail regarding the project so that all its requirements are met. You will also present your expectations towards the implementation process. Subsequently, you will receive a pricing of the project.

Etap rozmów z Qualis

Schedule of completion

The next step is to establish a delivery schedule of the whole project / its particular elements. Together we will establish suitable delivery dates which we will follow.

Ustalanie Harmonogramu realizacji z Qualis


We will start the cooperation in accordance with previous arrangements.

Rozpoczęcie współpracy z Qualis